“I love the way that True Wild Safaris makes the connection between experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife adventure in Africa and the role that wilderness and conservation play back home, in our everyday lives.”
Jeanne Wirka is an ecologist and nature writer with over 25 years of experience in conservation science, ecological restoration and environmental education. As the former resident biologist at the Bouverie Preserve in Northern California, she was instrumental in launching ACR’s Living with Lions Project with Quinton and Liz Martins.
Jeanne is passionate about nature and her passion is infectious. She has taught field courses in plant ecology, wildflower identification, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fungi, fire ecology and ecological principles. Her students appreciate her keen observation skills, her funny stories, and the way she makes the natural world come alive.
Jeanne is an avid backpacker, and an accomplished nature writer. In addition to nature journaling where-ever she travels, she makes regular submissions to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat and other publications. She is currently co-authoring an updated trail guide to Sonoma County.